Get Lean and Be a Prep Machine #LoveYourBody

We all know the hardest thing about staying healthy is staying focused and on target, so I’ve put together this useful list of tricks to help!

Routines are easy to get into, and help us remember to do things without having to think about it, which is very helpful when your mind is busy with other things constantly! Get in the routine of doing these 5 things, and it will help keep you on track without distracting you from your day.

5 Things to get in the routine of doing

Before you go to bed lay out your gym wear for the next morning so you can get up, throw on an awesome gym outfit and get an awesome session done! Or get your gym back ready with your playlist organised for after your day’s work.

Every evening get in the habit of prep your lunch box and snack box for the next day. If you know you are going to be in a rush in the morning have breakfast prepped too. Chop everything up to save those extra few seconds!

Breakfast prep:

Example- yogurt berries and nuts

The night before put 4 tablespoons of yogurt in a tub or bowl. Next to it in the fridge have a tub of mixed berries and nuts ready to sprinkle on top in the morning


Example- 2 egg omelette with lean meat and green veg.

If you’re not in a rush and have left enough time in the morning I recommend making an omelette fresh, but save time but chopping veg and meat the night before so that it is ready to just throw in. If you’re not in a rush and have left enough time in the morning I recommend making an omelette fresh, but save time but chopping veg and meat the night before so that it is ready to just throw in.

If you’re super pushed for time cook the omelette the night before… trust me it is still yummy! Make your omelette with 2 eggs, 2 slices lean chicken, turkey or ham and some veg of choice. Leave to cool and place in tub in the fridge. Eat it cold in the morning or warm up in the microwave for 30 secs on low heat. Also why not try my eggy muffins recipe found on my recipe page.


On the go Lunch/ dinner prep:

Depending on how tight your schedule is you can prep your food ready accordingly. I chop/ cook/ prep my lunch veg ready enough for the next three days and have it ready in tuba wear boxes in the fridge for me to throw into my salads the night before.


The night before I will cook/ prep my lunch meat along with sweet potato/ rice (if I am going to have carbs too) and have it ready in tuba wear. In the morning I throw the rest of the foods into to my dish e.g. salad, veg, nuts. To save time I will prep up to 3 days meals of meat and carbs ready and leave them in tuba wear in the fridge.

Snack prep:

Small Tupperware boxes are a must! You can prep a week’s worth of snacks if you want to save time and be super prepped, or just do it the night before, your choice! If it’s a snack such as a naked bar or green apple put one on top or next to your lunch box ready to grab. That way it helps you only have one and the whole packet of naked bars (easily done with the packet in front of you!)

Example- Berries

Section your berries into tubs. Put 2 tbsp spoonful of blueberries, 2 tbsp raspberries and 3-5 chopped or whole strawberries in each tub.

Example- Nuts

In each tub or bag put 5-8 nuts ready to take with you as a snack on its own or to add to your berry box. By prepping your nuts it means you can’t eat a whole bag at once!

Example- Rice crackers with cottage cheese

In a tub have to rice cracker ready. Try to buy small pots of cheese or section your cottage cheese into small tubs at the ready to spread on the crackers.

Example- Smoothie

Chop your fruit and veg the night before and leave in a box in the fridge ready to throw in the blender when you want your smoothie. Alternatively a made smoothie will last up to 6 hours if kept cool before it loses its yumminess.



Dinner Prep:

Chop your veg for each meal at the beginning of your week or the night before and leave in tuba wear in the fridge. Arrange your fridge so the ingredients for each meal are next to each other and ready to throw together for your dinner.

Meats can be marinated in advance the night before. You can even cook you meat in advance to save time and heat it up if needed to go with your dish.

Sweet potato baked takes 45- 50 mins so if you’re short on time try baking them in advance then heating them for a further 5-10 mins when you want them. A microwave for 20 mins is a fast way to cook sweet potato too.

Rice you can cook a big batch in advance putting the leftover in the freezer and heating it up quickly when you need it!

