Meet LYB trainer Gabzy!

Gabzy is a Level 3 Personal Trainer who is currently studying Food Science and Human Nutrition at Northumbria University. She has had a passion for health and wellbeing for a number of years and plans on dedicating her career to ensuring individuals achieve optimal health. By providing you with the tools and advice to nourish your body and find your own balance, Gabzy hopes she can help with creating a maintainable healthy lifestyle.
Gabzy loves getting creative in the kitchen and whipping up new recipes, continuing to update the LYB recipe bank to share some deliciously, healthy, tasty meals and treats. Having a sweet tooth means she’s continually creating healthy alternatives to cure the cravings and treat those around her to healthy alternatives.
Gabzy originally joined the LYB Girls after getting stuck in a rut by training alone and has finally fell in love with not only training but appreciates everything that her body is able to do. The change not only in her body but her mindset. At the point of joining Love Your Body Gabzy was in a bad place within herself and found she was stuck in a routine of unhealthy habits that dramatically affected her confidence, actions and mindset. By taking the Love Your Body approach to lifestyle on she now feels happy within her own skin and feels as though her confidence has finally come back.
“Loving My Own Body was a feeling I never thought I could achieve but by creating a balance that works for me I finally feel as though I am happy in my skin and I have more energy than ever. Helping people to feel this way about themselves and providing them with the tools to not only be motivated to make, but adapt and promote healthy lifestyle choices for themselves gives me a real sense of achievement and an overwhelming sense of pride!”
Gabzy fully supports Libby’s approach that every client is different and therefore encourages clients to be active within the designing of their own fitness and nutrition program. This allows a client to make a plan that works for them and as a result is more likely to be sustainable.
